Monday, April 6, 2009

Project 3: Poem Visualization

Jay Hopler

Now that the sun has set and the rain has abated,
And every porch light
in the neighborhood is lit,
Maybe we can invent something; I'd like a new

Way of experiencing the world, a way of taking
Into myself the single light shining at the center

Of all things without losing the dense, eccentric
Planets orbiting around it.
What you'd like is a more
Attentive lover, I suppose-.  Too bad that slow,

Wet scorch of orange blossoms floating towards
The storm drain is not a vein of stars...we could

Make a wish on one of them; not that we would 
Wish for anything but the impossible.

For my poetry visualization I have chosen this poem by Jay Hopler.  I am a Creative Writing major as well as a Graphic Design major, so this project is very meaningful to me.  I have studied poetry in many classes, so it was interesting to pick a poem that I would respond to visually, rather than for poetic analysis.  I hope that with this project I will be able to capture the emotional weight of this poem.